My Happiness Project: January, The Foundation Month
By now, it’s about three weeks into my January Happiness Project and I wanted to update you on my experience, how I’m doing, and what tips/tricks are helping me along the way. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out the blog posts (My Why and My Goals). The five habits I picked for January are as follows:
Drink more water
I am drinking at least 80 oz a day. That’s 4 of my new beautiful Stojo bottle.
Move for 20 minutes every day
Reduce sugar
I quit soda and sweets for 21 days.
Less screen time
I am limiting phone usage to 3 hours a day.
Write one blog post a week
I know if I’m going to be successful, I NEED to feel better, physically and mentally. I’ve been dragging for months now. Most of it due to sleep deprivation, which I can’t really control until my baby develops better sleeping habits (working on it!), but there are things I can focus on. I know moving my body, drinking more water, and limiting sugar always makes me feel better so I started with those in January.
On the mental side, I know scrolling mindlessly through Instagram makes me feel like shit. I find myself picking up my phone unconsciously and feeling worse minutes later. It’s been a hard habit to kick, but I've already started it and I can feel the difference. Writing one blog post a week is the last habit on my list and it’s so hard. I have been trying to accomplish this for a while now but I get blocked by limiting beliefs like: who am I to have a blog, why would anyone want to read what I have to say, and so many more. I think I’ve finally crossed a threshold of knowing my worth and that my point of view is valid. I have something to say and writing is a huge part of my purpose.
The habits I’ve been crushing are moving my body 20 minutes a day, writing a blog a week, and limiting screen time. I’m surprised by how well I’ve kept up with the movement. It’s making me feel so good! This is a huge foundation for the rest of how my month has gone. I strongly suggest starting out with habits that increase energy because it makes any other habits easier.
I’m doing pretty good on reducing sugar. I quit all sugar for two weeks and have only had a soda 3 times (my vice!). My water intake has definitely increased too. I am finding it hard to get all 80oz, but I fall in somewhere between 50-70oz.
I’m feeling really good heading into the end of the month and I am already thinking about my habit goals for February. I will recap and talk about my February habits in the next blog post, but for now, I’m going to leave you with a few of the things that have supported my habits' success.
It’s so aesthetically pleasing. I never forget it at home!
Blogilates or Melissa Wood Workout Videos
I can do these anywhere and on my own time.
Copy editor
I can only get these blogs up every week because of my amazing copy editor, Kayla.
Sending you lots of happiness,
jodi xx