Why do I always want more?
I have days and even weeks where I appreciate social media. I see how these apps connect people, keep us connected, and even change the world … but sometimes those changes are bad. The rest of the time I see how social media makes me feel really, really “not enough.”
Now with the omnipresent ads, social media packs a one-two punch for when your feeling like you don’t have enough (money, clothes, beauty, etc.). While you scroll and see highlight pictures filled with things you don’t have, you can also be targeted by ads for things you can’t afford. A few weeks ago, I really felt this hard. I was (and still do) get overwhelmed with the feeling that I need more and better things if I want to be more and better.
Lately, I'm really focused on feeling good every day because being a mom to a 9-month old I have NO TIME for feeling bad because I have no time! I started noticing how certain days I felt terrible on Instagram when I used to feel uplifted. To remedy this, I made these small little changes and it’s really helping so I wanted to share!
I know this is gonna sound really obvious but maybe not because I found it hard. When you notice yourself feeling bad, jealous, envious, depressed … stop scrolling. This takes self-control. Even more, it takes self-awareness. It’s ok that a person’s feed makes you feel bad. Acknowledge it and put your phone down. Quit while you’re ahead. It’s time to move on to something else. Maybe read, take a walk, cook something, work on your blog, or meditate on the feelings and try to see where they come from. I promise it’s not REALLY about that influencers new shoes.
Set boundaries and keep them
This is a double bonus because setting boundaries will make you feel good and keeping them will double that. I’m talking about making a schedule for when you're on social media. Limit yourself. I don't care what the limit is. You know for yourself when it’s too much and when you’re on for no real reason. Be aware when you unconsciously pick up your phone, that can be dangerous.
Morning Ban
The first hour upon waking should be yours, not anyone else's. I noticed when I don’t scroll through social media first thing in the morning and wait at least an hour, it sets me up for liking myself a lot more that day. I put myself first, imagine that! I’m kind to myself and I’m not comparing all day because I didn't start my day gorging on everyone else's “picture perfect” lives.
May is Mental Health Awareness month, put yourself first! I really find these simple tools help me when I stick to them. I hope they can work for you too.
‘Til next week,
jodi xx